Thursday, 1 November 2012

Claire's First Halloween

Yesterday was Claire's first Halloween. Its actually also her last "first" holiday though I don't know if I count Thanksgiving since she spent that in the NICU. Anyway as usual I like to go all out! I can't help it, I love any and all holidays! Unfortunately my poor Claire Bear was sick. She has been fighting a horrible cold all week so we didn't take her out trick or treating especially since at this age it would really just be for us anyway. We spent the evening watching Halloween movies and we dressed her up in her costume to help us pass out candy to all the kids trick or treating, she loved that! All in all it was a great Halloween. I cant wait till next year since she will be walking and talking and can truly enjoy this fun holiday.

Happy Halloween from Minnie Mouse


katie ridings said...

& what an adorable mini mouse she is!!!!

Tanya Pogue said...

Awe the cutest Minnie Mouse ive seen. did she keep the little ears on or would she take them off ?
and poor baby hope she feels better soon .

Rachel Beer said...

She kept them on. She does good until she's tired and then she'll pull her hair bows out so she did good.